Good morning, I’m Alberto. I came here in Jerez about 3 months ago and today I had the chance to present my project developed last year in Italy. Today was a significant day for me, I needed to engage students in a daily and difficult problem: European Union.

We (my team) have been working for more than 8 months on this idea and now it seems easy, pretty much straightforward. I can assure that without hard work, my amazing mentor who guided us through the path of success and teamwork, nothing could be true now. We were a team, we are a team and we will be, to fight for our victory and to make European Citizens better. We believe that changing the European Union is still possible and through our system people will be able to really get the most from it!

What we’ve developed is innovative and up-to-date with new generations. It’s an app, a wonderful link between education and politics, between school and daily life. We want to inspire future young citizens to use our application and through this, achieve the possibility of sharing cultures, traditions and knowledge with other students coming from all parts of the European Union and, hopefully, worldwide.
